Every day I come to work feeling stressed and anxious about the demands of the job and my increasing workload. I can’t seem to finish my work and I stay late almost every day. I...
Self-awareness of weaknesses and the ability to articulate your own stress is very helpful. Communicating your workload stress with peers and leads is important to being heard. Your colleagues may be able to share your workload and help you set realistic expectations and boundaries with others.
Being able to self-regulate your emotional being and identifying effective stress management strategies are essential to alleviate stress. Your manager can support you with effective time-management and organization skills when they are aware of your concerns.
Knowing when and where to seek help/guidance is key. You can either call the EWP for information or benefit from the sessions they offer such as the “Taking Care of Me” Workshop Series for individuals and teams.
Emotional awareness, knowing your limitations and ability to articulate your stress is very important. VCH Employee Wellness provides support for a wide range of issues, including work-related matters. You can call them anytime and set up counselling sessions.